Monday, March 26, 2012

Early Childhood Education (
The Guam Early Childhood Education website is intended as a resource for caregivers of young children on Guam. The website contains lesson plans, thoughts for the day and information related to the development of young children. We all know the importance of the early years on learning. The early years are vital for the growth of young children. Many parents and teachers have always known this, and now science has finally caught up with what early childhood professionals have always known. One of the single most important influences on the development of children’s brain is the quality of interactions between young children and their caregivers. So we hope this website helps improve those wonderful interactions!

Guam Community College has offered an early childhood education program since 1989. The Certificate in ECE consists of 33 credits, and the associate degree has 61 credits. Feedback from full-time and adjunct faculty, former students, graduates, employers, and advisory committee members has been used to strengthen the program over the years.  Assessment reports and feedback from student and graduates have been overwhelmingly positive over the years, with many students, graduates, employers praising the quality of the faculty and the program. Early childhood education faculty members have won numerous awards for their teaching, including GCC Faculty Excellence Awards, Who’s Who Among America’s College Teachers (multiple years winners), and Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Paragon Award.  All courses in the Certificate program can be used towards the Associate of Science in Early Childhood Education. 

Call GCC’s Education Department at 671.735.5656 or email for more information or to speak to an advisor.

To learn more about Guam Early Childhood Education, visit

The Guam Early Childhood Education website was proudly developed by GuamWEBZ, designed by Gorilla Media, Guam, and Powered by TechBridge, Guam. For more information visit