Monday, December 24, 2012

I Famagu’on-ta (
I Famagu’on-ta is a Child Mental Health Initiative funded by the Federal Government as a seed money to help Guam develop and sustain a System of Care for children and youth with severe mental health needs and their families.
The mission of I Famgu’on-ta, Guam’s System of Care is to improve the mental health and daily life functioning of children with Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED) and maintain the child and family system within the home/community setting.
System of Care is a comprehensive array of mental health and other necessary services and supports organized into a coordinated network to meet the many needs of children and adolescents with severe mental health needs and their families. System of Care is about child serving agencies (such as yours: GPSS, DYA, DPHSS-CPS, DMHSA, GPD, DISID, GJC-Juvenile Probation and private providers) and families partnering to improve children, youth and their family’s lives.

I Famagu’on-ta’s Target Population:
The “Target Population” for Project I Famagu’on-ta is the entire population of Guam to identify the number of prevalence and incidence of SED: To provide services for children-adolescents with SED and their families. Definition of the Target Population/Severe Emotional Disturbances (SED): Guidance for Applicants (GFA) SM-02-002.

  • The top 10% (High Risk) temporarily out of home make up 27 SED children who are placed in homes with support, but at anytime can be removed from the home for a multiple of reasons
  • 60% of target population may be at risk for Out of Home Placement (At risk to low risk)
  • 25% of target population may need supports for Prevention of out of Home Placement.
  • 5% of children serviced each year are permanently placed out of a home or in an off-island placement.

I Famagu’on-ta’s Diagnosis
  • Age: 5 – 21 years of age. Have an emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder diagnosable under DSM-IV or its ICD-9-CM equivalents, or subsequent revisions (with the exception of DSM-IV "V" codes, substance use disorders and developmental disorders, unless they co-occur with another diagnosable serious emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder).
  • Axis I Psychiatric Diagnosis such as: Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorder, PTSD (due to trauma such as sexual or physical abuse, etc.), ADHD, ODD, CD, etc. (No adjustment disorder, parent-child relation problem). NO Developmental Disorders such as MR, Autism, etc.

  • Are unable to function in the family, school, or community, or in a combination of these settings., or
  • Level of Functioning is such that the child-adolescent requires multi-agency intervention involving two or more community service agencies, such as mental health, education, child welfare, juvenile justice, substance abuse and health.

I Famagu’on-ta’s Referral Process:
  • Wrap Coordinator assigned to conduct Intake/EDIF assessment.
  • If referral meets eligibility, Wrap Coordinator works with Family to form Wrap Team.
  • If referral is not eligible, link child/youth and family to services; work with family up to 8 weeks.

To learn more about   I Famagu’on-ta website, visit

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