Monday, September 10, 2012

Airman Promotion Tools (
You want to be recognized for the effort you give to get the mission done and to improve your workplace.  Airmen that win awards work hard and their actions are well documented. 

However, in my 25-year career I saw many Airmen suffer at the expense of poor documentation, poor writing and sometimes poor advice.  I have written and/or revised award packages that have won at every level, such as: 12 Outstanding Airman of The Year, HQ ACC General Lew Allen award, HQ PACAF Leo Marquez, HQ AFSOC Medical awards, HQ PACAF Outstanding Airman of The Year, and numerous wing and functional awards.  I know what it takes to win. No one cares more about your career than you do! That does not imply supervisors don’t care, the vast majority do, but rather they can’t care more than you and they can’t know everything you accomplish 365 days per year. does not replace supervisors; it merely focuses on helping you succeed.

  • Recording your achievements is key to getting recognition for the work you have done. The “My Achievements” tool will store your achievements so you can easily retrieve them and get recognized through award packages and performance reports that accurately reflect your performance.
  • Keeping your achievements in a notebook that can get lost, a file on your work computer that may not be around when you need it (TDY/Deployed/leave/etc), increases the chance that something will be left out of your award or performance report. and “My Achievements” is on the internet!  Your laptop, smart phone, tablet, etc. can allow you to enter or retrieve your achievements anywhere you can connect.
  • Knowing exactly how to keep track of your achievements can be difficult to figure out and cause a garbled mess or forgotten information. “My Achievements” is an intuitive program that will guide you, give you examples of good data, and organize your achievements.
    The Airman Promotion Tools website was proudly developed by GuamWEBZ, designed by Gorilla Media, Guam, and Powered by TechBridge, Guam. GuamWEBZ is proudly, a local firm specializing in the design and development of viable online solutions for small and large businesses, non-profit groups, GovGuam and Federal Agencies, and almost anyone who wants to make a solid entry into the World Wide Web.GuamWEBZ is concentrating its efforts in raising the web standards, preparing organizations for the build-up, by making information, services, and products available on line, for the benefit of our island residents.For more information visit For more information visit